
There are many very good ways of losing weight through dieting and many people have great success with the diet programs they have chosen.

On the flip side, there are also many people who tried a diet and failed to lose weight for a variety of reasons.

This makes the choosing of the right diet for you a major consideration and one that should not be taken without doing as much research into a short list of preferred dieting methods before finally settling on a prima candidate that you feel is the right diet for you.

Doing research is something a lot of people avoid doing because it can be time consuming and even boring.

But it is very important to the ultimate success of your own chances of losing weight because if you choose the wrong diet for your personal needs, the chances of success are much lower than if you had chosen the right diet!

In some instances, having a comparison article to read through that highlights the main points of each diet in a concise yet factual and informative way can be very useful to those that simply do not have the time to do more extensive research.

It will also provide and "at a glance" look at several popular diet programs so they can make a more informed decision on which they would prefer to focus on rather than just going with a snap decision based entirely on the strength of a TV or magazine advertisement.

Diet Comparison

This article aims to give you that choice. Below are some of the top diets currently available to help you lose weight.

We take an overview look at each and highlight their main points both good and bad so you can see at a glance whether it is worth your while pursuing a favored diet by researching it in more detail.


Mediast is a popular diet food delivery program that is highly convenient in that all the meals you will need to eat each day are shipped to your home.

This makes it easy and time saving to lose weight without all the hassle of preparing and cooking special meals. There are five meals each day, or if you opt for their popular 5 and 1 diet, you get the five meals plus one you prepare yourself from selected vegetables.

The cost for the standard plans works out at around $11 per day at current prices.


Like medifast, Nutrisystem provides all your meals and ships them to you home an a package that comprises four weeks of food.

There are three main meals each day with an additional protein shake and two protein bars for eating between meals.

The cost for the standard plans works out at around $10 per day at current prices.

Diet to Go

Another meal replacement home delivery program, "Diet to Go" differs from Nutrisystem and Medifast in that it provides freshly prepared meals to order and delivers them chilled in 5 or 7 day packs.

Costs are higher because the meal quality is better.

Bistro MD

Similar to Diet to Go in that meals are packaged in 5 or 7 day shipments and meals are prepared fresh then frozen for transport.

Meal quality is among the highest of all the dieit meal delivery programs.

Costs are also among the highest, although watch out for discount coupns that can reduce the cost of the first week's food by as much as 50%.

Jenny Craig

One of the more popular names in the meal replacement world, this is similar to Nutrisystem but more expensive.

Weight Watchers

This is a collection of diets that work on points to allocate a daily calorie intake limit. With Weight Watchers, you prepare and cook your own meals.

Costs are lower but you have to buy your own food.

There are other diet programs that we will include in this comparison article as we go. We also carry full blown reviews of each of the programs featured in this comparison. Links to live articles will be contained in the subheadings of each diet and can be flowed by clicking your mouse on the relevant link.


Below you will find the full list of current articles that cover many popular eating strategies:

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